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Venue: PMC 103 clear filter
Tuesday, February 18

11:00am CST

Dream.Plan.Build. Roundtable
Tuesday February 18, 2025 11:00am - 11:45am CST
Curious about the work being done on the Ozarks Tech Strategic Plan, Dream.Plan.Build.? Attend this rapid-fire session to hear from the experts leading the work in the nine strategy taskforces. Leaders from all the taskforces will be present to walk through their progress so far and talk about the progress yet to come. Ask your burning questions about the plan and learn more about how to get involved.
avatar for Matthew Hudson

Matthew Hudson

Executive Dean - Career, Technical & Community Development, Ozarks Tech
At Ozarks Technical Community College, we take our mission to heart. We’re here to provide affordable, accessible educational opportunities that transform lives and strengthen communities. As Missouri’s third-largest community college, we offer more than 40 different degree programs... Read More →

Gavin O'Connor

Associate Vice Chancellor - Academic Affairs, Ozarks Tech

Calie Holden

College Director - Strategic Planning & Grant Development, Ozarks Tech

Jared Durden

Instructor - Physical Science, Ozarks Tech

Pan Porter

Director - Disability Support Services, Ozarks Tech

Micha White

Student Engagement Coordinator, Ozarks Tech

Sarah Bargo

College Director - Student Care & Engagement, Ozarks Tech
avatar for Trisha White

Trisha White

Department Chair - Mathematics, Ozarks Tech

Misty Tollett

Assistant Director - Strategic Planning, Ozarks Tech

Matthew Simpson

Chief Research & Governmental Affairs Officer, Ozarks Tech

Robert Randolph

Executive Director - Plaster Manufacturing Center, Ozarks Tech

Andrew Aberle

Dean - Arts, Sciences, & Business, Ozarks Tech

Dustin Childress

President - OTC Education Centers, Ozarks Tech

J'Neal McCoy

Associate Vice Chancellor - Administrative Services, Ozarks Tech
Tuesday February 18, 2025 11:00am - 11:45am CST
PMC 103

1:15pm CST

Academic Affairs: What we do and WHY we do it that way
Tuesday February 18, 2025 1:15pm - 3:00pm CST
Ever wondered why things are done the way they are from the Academic Affairs office? Join in on this conversation to get your questions answered. There are many important factors across the college related to academics and many stakeholders to be considered. Come find out what some of those are and how Academic Affairs must manage them all. Among the topics discussed: academic calendars, schedules, instructional minutes and any other “why” questions.

Gavin O'Connor

Associate Vice Chancellor - Academic Affairs, Ozarks Tech
Tuesday February 18, 2025 1:15pm - 3:00pm CST
PMC 103
Eagle Summit: Learn. Grow. Soar.
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