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Venue: PMC 147 clear filter
Tuesday, February 18

11:00am CST

Missouri Community College Association - Legislative Priorities Discussion
Tuesday February 18, 2025 11:00am - 11:45am CST
Join Missouri Community College Association CEO, Brian Millner, for a discussion on current legislative priorities for the state's community colleges.

Brian Millner

President & CEO, Missouri Community College Association
Tuesday February 18, 2025 11:00am - 11:45am CST
PMC 147

1:15pm CST

State of Manufacturing: A Steel Toe Boots On The Ground View Of The Importance Of Manufacturing
Tuesday February 18, 2025 1:15pm - 2:00pm CST
Missouri Association of Manufacturers team sharing current, real-world information on the State of Manufacturing. After visiting more than 260 manufacturing plants around Missouri, we can share first-hand insight from the manufacturers themselves. Combined with the latest industry statistics, this presentation will help everyone understand what's going well and what isn't, and how OTC can help.

Jeff Cumley

Associate Director, Missouri Assoication of Manufacturers
Tuesday February 18, 2025 1:15pm - 2:00pm CST
PMC 147

2:15pm CST

Bait and Switch: Recognizing and Avoiding Phishing Scams
Tuesday February 18, 2025 2:15pm - 3:00pm CST
We've all heard of phishing scams - deceptive emails from bad actors trying to access your data. But have you heard of 'spear phishing'? What about 'whaling'? What in the world is 'vishing'? 'Clone phishing'? Come join IT as we demonstrate different types of phishing scams and show how they can get to you... hook, line, and sinker!

Kimberly Lyons

Coordinator - Help Desk, Ozarks Tech

Owen Plaster

Help Desk Support Analyst II, Ozarks Tech
Tuesday February 18, 2025 2:15pm - 3:00pm CST
PMC 147
  Skill-Building & Technology
Eagle Summit: Learn. Grow. Soar.
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